Hundreds have Signed up to the 1000 Voices campaign so far!

We’re bringing together 1,000 Voices in Northamptonshire to highlight local inaction on Northampton’s toxic air - shown in recent studies to be among the worst in the UK.

We’ve held peaceful gatherings at Northampton Guildhall during West Northamptonshire full council meetings. These have been powerful and well-attended, causing WNC to commit to a “Clean Air Summit” and draft a woefully inadequate action plan - decisions we don’t think go nearly far enough while the lives of their constituents are being lost at a rate of 2 per week.

Tell West Northamptonshire Council this isn’t good enough by adding your name and joining us at Northampton Guildhall on May 16th 2024 from 4pm. We’ll send you all the details:


WE CALL FOR WEST NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL TO publish by 1st July 2024 a fully costed, timeframed, Air Quality Action Plan which meets World Health Organisation clean air standards and is implemented within 3 months of publiction.

- 1000 Voices


Northampton has the worst air quality in the whole of the UK, according to a 2023 report.

The British Heart Foundation have linked 1 in 20 deaths in Northampton to air pollution.

The former Northamptonshire County Council received notice of six Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in Northampton in 2006. The council were given 18 months to respond, 17 years later, they still fail to fulfil their legal obligation to develop an action plan.

Tackling air pollution in Northampton would save lives. It would also help West Northamptonshire Council achieve their pledge to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030 and show that they’re taking our health seriously.

The science is clear: air pollution is an invisible killer that is cutting people’s lives short, worsening existing lung conditions, and creating new ones. It significantly contributes to health inequalities and is hitting the following groups hardest: pregnant women, children, those living with a lung condition, older people and those living on the lowest incomes - as well as potentially those experiencing long-term breathing problems from COVID-19.

- The Invisible Threat report from Asthma UK & the British Lung Foundation.


We’ve put together a number of resources to help you get stuck in to the campaign: